KNF awards   Poster series ︎︎︎
Print as a prize.


Each year the Circle of Dutch Film Journalists (KNF) awards young and upcoming filmmakers during several film festivals throughout the Netherlands. Specifically the Dutch Film Festival (NFF), the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) and a studentcompetition (JSP).

The KNF reached out to us to create a different kind of award. Rather than a trofee/statue the organisation wanted to create a print for each festival.


So multiple different festivals and different years but the same award. Our aim was to create a rigid design system that connects all the awards but also has enough elements to create a unique image for each festival.

Using the letters that communicate the different festivals, known by many audiences, we created a bold graphic layout that can be filled with simple straight forward colours or with patterns, imagery and more.

Each year starting 2021

Circle of Dutch Film Journalists Jury Award
Poster series

Each year the Circle of Dutch Film Journalists (KNF) awards young and upcoming filmmakers during several film festivals throughout the Netherlands. Specifically the Dutch Film Festival (NFF), the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) and a studentcompetition (JSP).

The KNF reached out to us to create a different kind of award. Rather than a trofee/statue the organisation wanted to create a print for each festival.

So multiple different festivals and different years but the same award. Our aim was to create a rigid design system that connects all the awards but also has enough elements to create a unique image for each festival.

Using the letters that communicate the different festivals, known by many audiences, we created a bold graphic layout that can be filled with simple straight forward colours or with patterns, imagery and more.
Released: Each year at the NFF and IFFR filmfestivals

We’re always happy to talk about future projects and meet new people, so feel free to get in touch!
+31 (0)6 132 34 132
Hoogt 8, 3512GW — Utrecht NL
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We’re always happy to talk about future projects and meet new people, so feel free to get in touch!

+31 (0)6 132 34 132

Hoogt 8, 3512GW — Utrecht NL


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